Between the current, pressing, deadlines i’ve managed to design the small label for the #ghostsofrome project, to be applied on the marbled paper folders which will collect the seven prints. Latin inscription below the she-wolf, symbol of Rome, means “The tears of men cannot bring the dead back from the darkness”. The couple of #skulls below her are an obvious nod to Romolus and Remus. Next is a #wip shot of the process. 🐺 💀💀

Between the current, pressing, deadlines i’ve managed to design the small label for the #ghostsofrome project, to be applied on the marbled paper folders which will collect the seven prints.
Latin inscription below the she-wolf, symbol of Rome, means “The tears of men cannot bring the dead back from the darkness”. The couple of #skulls below her are an obvious nod to Romolus and Remus.
Next is a #wip shot of the process. 🐺 💀💀

Between the current, pressing, deadlines i’ve managed to design the small label for the #ghostsofrome project, to be applied on the marbled paper folders which will collect the seven prints.
Latin inscription below the she-wolf, symbol of Rome, means “The tears of men cannot bring the dead back from the darkness”. The couple of #skulls below her are an obvious nod to Romolus and Remus.
Next is a #wip shot of the process. 🐺 💀💀

Between the current, pressing, deadlines i’ve managed to design the small label for the #ghostsofrome project, to be applied on the marbled paper folders which will collect the seven prints.
Latin inscription below the she-wolf, symbol of Rome, means “The tears of men cannot bring the dead back from the darkness”. The couple of #skulls below her are an obvious nod to Romolus and Remus.
Next is a #wip shot of the process. 🐺 💀💀